Vera in Vancouver

Ever Get The Feeling That David Eby…

…just read your latest blog post and called an emergency press conference?

Because I do.

It’s a start, Davey. Now let’s focus a lot less on building high-rises, and a lot more on building actual treatment centres where therapy, counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, medical support, and reintegration into society are emphasized rather than twelve-step programs, which are not for everyone, which apparently have around a 10% success rate, and which are free all over the place 24 hours a day anyway. Going to “rehab” where all you do is attend AA/NA meetings is a copout on behalf of the facility–an embarrassing, shameful copout for treatment.

However, we all know that this latest announcement doesn’t, and will never, apply to the Downtown East Side. Too many people keeping this tragic farce afloat in order to put big, big money into their pockets.

(Totally unrelated aside: I apologize completely for the absolutely ganky layout / post order of my home page. There is nothing I can do about it unless I throw around $150 at WordPress to even be able to change it to reverse-chronological order–rather than encountering the same infuriating few posts before you get to my latest one–but I can’t and won’t do that right now. It’s only a matter of time before I pack up everything here and move it all to the dreaded Blogger, my old home for written blather.)

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